Journal Publications
Vishal G. Salunkhe, S. M. Khot, Nitesh P. Yelve, T. Jagadeesha, R. G. Desavale, “Rolling element bearing fault diagnosis by the implementation of Elman Neural Networks with long short-term memory strategy”, ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 147(8), 2025, 084301
Param D. Gajbhiye, Nitesh P. Yelve, Yuwaraj M. Ghugal, and Avik K. Das, “Displacement and stress analysis of laminated and sandwich beams under various mechanical loads using a quasi-2D theory”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 95, 2025, 47
Swapna Singh and Nitesh P. Yelve, "Identifying inner race faults in deep groove ball bearing using nonlinear mode decomposition and Hilbert transform", ASME Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 8(2), 2025, 021002
Gayatri Dwivedi, Jotiram Vilas Mane, Vivek Maruti Chavan, and Nitesh P. Yelve, "Enhancing puncture resistance in critical applications: A combined experimental and numerical approach", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2024, DOI:10.1177/09544062241300800
Param D. Gajbhiye, Nitesh P. Yelve, Yuwaraj M. Ghugal, and Avik K. Das, “Influence of transverse normal strain on buckling and vibration of sandwich plates”, AIAA Journal, 2024, DOI: 10.2514/1.J064594
Vishal G. Salunkhe, S.M. Khot, Prashant S. Jadhav, Nitesh P. Yelve, Mahadev B. Kumbhar, "Experimental investigation using robust deep VMD-ICA and 1D-CNN for condition monitoring of roller element bearing", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 24(12), 2024, 124501
Mansingh Yadav, Asim Tewari, VishwasDivse, and Nitesh P. Yelve, "Exploring the impact of drilling parameters on damage morphology and strength of CFRP laminates", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2024, DOI:10.1007/s11665-024-09722-x
Mansingh Yadav, Chaitanya Apte, Nitesh P. Yelve, Thomas Gries, Asim Tewari, "Exploring stress and deformation in filament-wound composite pressure vessel liners using PyMAPDL", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 71, 2024, pp 493–505
Vishal G. Salunkhe, S.M. Khot, Ramchandra Desavale, Nitesh P. Yelve, and Prashant S. Jadhav, "An integrated dimension theory and modulation signal bispectrum technique for analyzing bearing fault in industrial fibrizer", ASME Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 7(3), 2024, 031006
Vishal G. Salunkhe, Ramchandra G. Desavale, S.M. Khot, and Nitesh P. Yelve, “Identification of bearing clearance in sugar centrifuge using dimension theory and support vector machine on vibration measurement”, ASME Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 7(2), 2024, 021003
Yuwaraj M. Ghugal, Eugenio Ruocco, Param D. Gajbhiye, Vishisht Bhaiya, and Nitesh P. Yelve, "Stress analysis of laminated and sandwich beams subjected to concentrated load by using quasi-two-dimensional theory", International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering, 2023, DOI:10.1142/S204768412350046X
Vishal G. Salunkhe, Ramchandra G. Desavale, S.M. Khot, and Nitesh P. Yelve, "Unbalance bearing fault identification using highly accurate Hilbert-Huang transform approach", ASME Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 6(3), 2023, 031005
Vishal G. Salunkhe, Ramchandra G. Desavale, S.M. Khot, and Nitesh P. Yelve, "A novel incipient fault detection technique for roller bearing using deep independent component analysis and variational modal decomposition", ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 145(7), 2023, 074301
Akshay V. Kolekar, Nitesh P. Yelve, and S.M. Khot, “Lamb wave-based real-time damage location system with integrated internet of things”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 57(2), 2022, pp 469–473
Faeez Masurkar, Nitesh P. Yelve, and Peter Tse, “Nondestructive testing of rails using nonlinear Rayleigh waves”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 236(15), 2022, pp 8527–8541
Nitesh P. Yelve, Jovan C. Menezes, Shubhankar B. Das, and Bhavik M. Panchal, "Augmentation of mapping and autonomous navigation for hexapod robots by using a visual inertial system", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1969(1), 2021, 012005
Nitesh P. Yelve, Faeez Masurkar, and Peter Tse, “Application of Rayleigh wave-based nonlinearity parameter to estimate the remnant useful life of fatigued thick Aluminum plates”, ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems, Vol. 10, 2021, pp 161–178
Faeez Masurkar, Kim Ming Ng, Peter Tse, and Nitesh P. Yelve, “Interrogating the health condition of rails using the narrowband Rayleigh waves emitted by an innovative design of non-contact laser transduction system”, Structural Health Monitoring, Vol. 20(5), 2021, pp 2678–2693
Peter Tse, Faeez Masurkar, and Nitesh P. Yelve, “Estimation of remaining useful life of fatigued plate specimens using Lamb wave-based nonlinearity parameters”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Vol. 27(4), 2020, e2486
Faeez Masurkar, Peter Tse, and Nitesh P. Yelve, “Theoretical and experimental measurement of intrinsic and fatigue induced material nonlinearities using Lamb wave-based nonlinearity parameters”, Measurement, Vol. 151, 2020, 107148
Kim Ming Ng, Faeez Masurkar, Peter Tse, and Nitesh P. Yelve, “Design of a new optical system to generate narrowband guided waves with an application to evaluating health status of rail material”, Optics Letters, Vol. 44(23), 2019, pp 5695–5698
S. M. Khot, Nitesh P. Yelve, Praseed Kumar, Gaurav A. Purohit, and Deependra Singh, “Experimental investigation of performances of different optimal controllers in active vibration control of a cantilever beam”, ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems, Vol. 8(2), 2019, pp 101–111
Nitesh P. Yelve, Suvarna Rode, Pravin Das, and Pranav Khanolkar, “Some new algorithms for locating a damage in thin plates using Lamb waves”, Engineering Research Express, Vol. 1(1), 2019, 015027
Yogesh S. Andhale, Faeez. A. Masurkar, and Nitesh. P. Yelve, “Localization of damages in plain and riveted aluminium specimens using Lamb waves", International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 24(1), 2019, pp 150–165
Faeez Masurkar, Peter Tse, and Nitesh P. Yelve, "Investigating the critical aspects of evaluating the material nonlinearity in metal plates using Lamb waves: Theoretical and numerical approach", Applied Acoustics, Vol. 140, 2018, pp 301–314
Nitesh P. Yelve, Peter W. Tse, and Faeez Masurkar, "Theoretical and experimental evaluation of material nonlinearity in metal plates using Lamb waves", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Vol. 25(6), 2018, e2164
Faeez Masurkar, Peter Tse, and Nitesh P. Yelve, "Evaluation of inherent and dislocation induced material nonlinearity in metallic plates using Lamb waves", Applied Acoustics, Vol. 136, 2018, pp 76– 85
Suraj Nair, Viraj Karnik, Saurabh Kolte, Joel George, Nitesh P. Yelve, Khsirsagar Nanaji, "Experimental investigation of vibration characteristics of Magneto-rheological fluid with single rotor system", International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Vol. 5(7), 2017, pp 50–55
Faeez A. Masurkar and Nitesh P. Yelve, “Lamb wave based experimental and finite element simulation studies for damage detection in an Aluminium and a composite plate using Geodesic algorithm”, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22(4), 2017, pp 413–421
Faeez A. Masurkar and Nitesh P. Yelve, “Optimizing location of damage within an enclosed area defined by an algorithm based on the Lamb wave response data”, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 120, 2017, pp 98–110
Nitesh P. Yelve, Mira Mitra, and P.M. Mujumdar, “Detection of delamination in composite laminates using Lamb wave based nonlinear method”, Composite Structures, Vol. 159, 2017, pp 257–266
Nitesh P. Yelve, Mira Mitra, P.M. Mujumdar, and C. Ramadas, “A hybrid method based upon nonlinear Lamb wave response for locating a delamination in composite laminates”, Ultrasonics, Vol. 70, 2016, pp 12–17
Nitesh P. Yelve, Mira Mitra, and P.M. Mujumdar, “ Detection of stiffener disbonding in a stiffened aluminium panel using nonlinear Lamb wave”, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 89, 2015, pp 267–272
Nitesh P. Yelve, Mira Mitra, and P.M. Mujumdar, “ Higher harmonics induced in Lamb wave due to partial debonding of piezoelectric wafer transducers”, NDT&E International, Vol. 63, 2014, pp 21–27
Nitesh P. Yelve, Mira Mitra, and Prasanna M. Mujumdar, “Spectral damage index for estimation of breathing crack depth in an aluminum plate using nonlinear Lamb wave”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Vol. 21(5), 2014, pp 833–846
Nawaz I. Motiwala, Irshad Ahmed Khan, Nitesh P. Yelve, Balkrishna E. Narkhede, and Rajkumar S. Pant, “Conceptual approach for design, fabrication and testing of indoor remotely controlled airship”, Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 690–693, 2013, pp 3390–3395
S.M. Khot, Nitesh P. Yelve, and Ramya Iyer, “Extraction of system model from finite element model and simulation study of active vibration control”, Journal of Advances in Vibration Engineering (currently known as Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies), Vol. 11 (3), 2012, pp 259–280
S.M. Khot, Nitesh P. Yelve, Rajat Tomar, Sameer Desai, and Vittal S., “Active vibration control of cantilever beam by using PID based output feedback controller”, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 18(3), 2012, pp 366–372
S.M. Khot and Nitesh P. Yelve, “Estimation of geometrical parameters of machine elements based on statistical methods to avoid resonance”, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 18(2), 2012, pp 209–213
S.M. Khot and Nitesh P. Yelve, “Modeling and response analysis of dynamic systems by using ANSYS© and MATLAB©”, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 17(6), 2011, pp 953–958